Friday, February 11, 2011

Do I Really Need a Video of My Wedding Day?

Ok, my brides all know I’m all about saving money where you can, but I do have a few places that I strongly advise against saving money. One of the main ones is saving money by doing without a video. For some reason brides and grooms always leave the decision for a video to the very end. “I have pictures, why do I need a video” is something I hear a lot. Now let me get up on my soapbox and I will tell you why. There are two very important reasons.

Number One – How much would you love to be able to watch your Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather getting married? Actually hear their voices, see their parents, family and friends, all those people that passed away years ago. You’d really like that right. Well so will your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. A video is a movie of their past that they can see and hear. This will be one of the few times that all your family will be together at one time, why let that chance at a family record, slip away.

Number Two – Guess who is going to be the person that sees the least of what happens at your wedding. It’s going to be you, the bride. You won’t see guests coming in, you won’t see your handsome groom getting ready with the guys, you won’t see the processional or the cocktail hour and you’ll be to nervous and excited to remember much of what you do see. After all these months you have spent on making this the perfect event, you my dear will see very little of it. Don’t lose the chance to see your mother’s tears of joy or bestman’s goofy little dance.

With all the videographers out there today, there is someone for every budget. Even if you have to use a family member (which I recommend only as a last resort) get the video. I promise you will thank me for it.

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