Friday, February 8, 2008

Things We Love - Wedding Flip Flops

Photo from Bellezzaveils

I love flipflops as a bridesmaids’ gift. Whenever a bride asks me what to give her bridesmaids, I always suggest that the gift should include flip flops. They come in just about every color, so matching them to the bridesmaid’s gown is easy. If you can’t find the exact color, a glue gun and some colored bling or ribbon will solve that problem.

Your girls will love being able to change from their high heels to flipflops at the reception. If I had a dime for every time I have heard “my feet are killing me” at a reception, I could retire to Turks and Caicos.

So do the girls a favor and give their dancing feet some comfort at the reception. They will love you for it. And while you are at it, pick up a pair for yourself. Your toes will love you too!

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