Friday, May 11, 2007

A Tip To Save Time and Money

Ok, yesterday we talked about spending money, today we’re going to talk about a way to save some. As a wedding planner, I tell all my brides, when we are discussing menus that you might want to consider doing a duet plate for guests, rather than giving them a choice of two different items. A duet or duel plate is when you have a small amount of steak and chicken, or steak and fish, etc on the same plate. Two meat items instead of just one, a combo type plate. In the Greenville, Upstate, SC area I have found this to be no more expensive and saves you a lot of work.

Remember, if you offer the guests a choice, you have to have the choices listed on your RSVP card. You have to know which guest picked which meal. In other words, if the guests rsvp’s for 1 chicken and 1 steak, you won’t know which guest chose which meal. They have to list their names by what they chose. Make sure it is very clear on the RSVP that they place the name beside the choice. (Most people will just place a number or check mark and then you end up calling them back to find out.) The reason you need to know is that you will have to have some way of letting the wait staff know which meal each person chose. Most people do this by marking the place cards some how. Maybe print the steak people names in green and the chicken people in pink. Of course you always have the person that decides they want to change their mind when they actually see the other choice, etc.

So like I said, you can save yourself a lot of work and time and expense if you just go with a duet meal from the beginning. That way everyone has the same meal, you don’t have to have choices printed on the RSVP (saving money there) you don’t have to call people back when they don’t fill it out right. You don’t have to have escort cards, place cards and table numbers printed up (again saving time and money). Everyone can either just be assigned a table or just find their own seat.

Lots of brides don’t figure this out until too late, so I thought I would make sure you knew.

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