Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Emergency Kit - A Must For Your Wedding

If you ask any wedding planner, she will tell you that one of the most important things she brings to a wedding is her emergency kit. Willrich Bridal in fact has three. One for tools, lighters, flash lights, extension cords, etc. One for items the bridal party might need such as, curling irons, hair dryers, first aid kit, hose, socks, chalk, tide stick, hairspray, deodorant and etc. The third is the largest (actually a red rolling duffle bag) and it contains items like our steamer, sewing kits, scissors, canvas sheets for the brides to stand on to keep their dress clean, extra candles, pens, garters and even a bible. (Yes, I once had a minister forget his bible.)

So you might ask, what is the most important item in the kits? Well it would be either large safety pins or Hollywood dress tape. We use mounds of both at most weddings. Of course the packs of Advil and Imodium are usually very popular. In the summer during mosquito season, we go through a lot of Off Bug Spray too.

So when hiring a planner, take time to make sure she brings an emergency kit and find out what is contained in it. The people that work for me say "With our emergency kits we could handle anything up to a nuclear explosion and we might could handle that."  If you don’t have a planner, you might want to make up one of your own to take with you.  Believe me you are going to need it.

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