Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Picking Your Wedding Date

We’ve discussed it before, but it bears repeating. Before you get your heart set on a specific wedding date, do your homework. Check to see what else is happening on that date. If you’re planning to marry downtown, check for festivals, ballgames, anything that can hamper traffic, parking or hotel rooms. Is it the date of the Super Bowl, major college games (think Clemson/Carolina)? I hate to tell you this and I know you think your wedding is the most important happening around, but to sports freaks your wedding does not trump a major event. Heck, we’ve even had to have a television at a reception so the father of the bride could sneak away and keep up with the game.

Also, if you are planning an outdoor event at a park or garden, make sure there are no plans to work on that garden before your wedding day. Check to make sure that there will be no reseeding, redesigning, aerating, etc in the week before your wedding. Also, be sure no heavy watering is going to take place the day before your wedding. Nothing is worse than soaking wet ground on chairs and high heels.

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