Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Making Sure Your Non Drinking Guests Are Taken Care Of...

Yesterday, we discussed making sure your catering staff stays to the end of the event.  Now, if for some reason you decide not to do this (and let’s hope you don’t, but I understand budget constraints) make sure that you have nonalcoholic drinks available for your guests all evening.  Let’s say your caterer has provided water, tea and coffee for your guests.  So you decide the bar only needs to stock beer and wine. 

Well, your caterer leaves after dinner and takes the water, tea and coffee with him (along with the ice).  This means your guests are left with nothing but alcohol to drink.  NOT A GOOD IDEA!

You need to make sure you have, at the absolutely least, ice water available for your guests throughout the evening. Don’t forget you will need glasses for this ice water too.  So if your caterer is leaving, make sure the bar is stocking plenty of soft drinks and water.

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