Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Getting Down The Aisle

Next we need to talk about how the people in your processional get down the aisle and back up for the recessional. By that I mean, who will escort them down the aisle and back up. Now I know a few people don’t see the need for escorts, but every time and I do mean every time, I have seen this done, it ends up a mess.

An escort is the usher or groomsman that is assigned to walk your grandmother or mother down the aisle. You say “but can’t my dad walk her down the aisle” and the answer is yes he can, but, remember instead of waiting in the room with you helping to calm your nerves and having a tender father/daughter moment with you, he will be in line with your mother, walking her down the aisle, seating her and going back up the aisle and running to get back in line with you, not very calming for your dad or you. So I suggest having a groomsman, if your brother is one, that’s a good choice, escort your mother or your grandmother down the aisle.

This same escort will return after the wedding is over to escort your mother or grandmother (whoever he escorted in, back out). Now I know some planners do not use escorts to bring the mothers back out and let me say again, this always ends up a mess. The mothers forget when they need to walk out, or the grandmothers forget. The guests don’t know what to do, when grandma is just sitting there and not getting up. See my point? A mess just waiting to happen.

So choose an escort to walk your grandmother down the aisle, your grandfather will follow behind. Same goes for the moms, escort walks her down, followed by dad if he is not walking you down the aisle. Same escort returns at the end of the ceremony and walks her out with dad following behind.

There is reason and order in tradition.

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