Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wedding Reception Layouts

Let’s talk about floor plans or room layouts or room designs. Whatever name your site calls them, you need to be sure your site gives you one.

This is a diagram of how your room will be set up for the reception. Some, depending on what kind of computer program your site uses are very detail and drawn totally to scale. Others are just a quick sketch your sales coordinator draws out. Either way you need to see this. It should show you exactly where your tables will be placed, your buffets, your cake table, dance floor, DJ, etc.

You need this for several different reasons. First of all it gives you an actual picture of what your room will look like. Lots of time what you have in your head and what the sales coordinator has in theirs are not the same. Maybe you see your grand entrance through the double doors in the front. But your sales person may plan to have those doors blocked with tables. Maybe you want the buffet line to run down both sides of the buffet, but the site is going to push the buffet against the wall, allowing for guest to only go down one side. These things will become obvious to you, once you see the layout.

You are not the only one that is going to need the layout. Your planner of course needs it. This will be one of the items she lives by on the day of the wedding. You will not be around to check on the ceremony and reception set up. If your planner is a “Day Of”, she really needs this layout to make sure everything is exactly like you want it. Your florist will ask for this. It helps them decide on the overall flower design. That includes things like which tables need tall centerpieces, which the short arrangements, what type of buffet arrangements are needed and where they will be placed. The DJ will need to know where he is setting up in relation to the dance floor and guest seating.

So remember to ask for a drawing of the room setup and make your life and your vendors easier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great bridal photography and location… I agree with the hardest part being chosing just one photograph.. weddings and bridal sessions can offer so many.

Jaipur Wedding Planners


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