Thursday, March 25, 2010

Should I Allow Guest + 1 at my Wedding Reception

Ok, I know we have talked about this before, but I think it bears repeating. Earlier this week, I was in a discussion about whether saving money by not allowing a “guest + 1” is a good idea.

Some people think that there is no need to allow a guest to bring a date. I am not a member of this camp. I think it depends on the type of reception you are having. If it is a brunch or a cocktail type reception with no dancing then I think it is perfectly fine to have guests that are not part of a couple come dateless. But if you are planning your reception around dancing, then guests need to be allowed to bring a date. Why would you want your friend to have to sit on the sidelines and watch everyone else have a good time? Sure they might meet someone to dance with at the party, but it’s doubtful. Probably your girlfriend is not going to look forward to not dancing or being at the mercy of a stranger for a chance to dance. And yes, I know that girls get up and dance together at receptions (sometime the guys do too), but that’s not every dance. Believe me the people without dates do not stay long, once the dancing starts.

One other thing to think about, every time we have had people show up that were not on the guest list, it is a “+ 1” of someone that did not understand that a date was not allowed for this event. Most people just assume that they can bring a date to a wedding reception.

I think the decision to bring a date or not is best left up to the guest. There are other better ways to save money than making your guest sit on the sidelines and not enjoy your reception.

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