Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Secrets To Having a Happy Flower Girl in Your Wedding

Flower girls, they are sweet little visions of loveliness that glide down the aisle just before the bride enters. They bring tears to guests’ eyes with their sweet innocence or laughter when they don’t do what they are supposed to. Believe me; I have seen both, the sweet angels and the naughty little devils that refuse to do anything you ask of them.

Did you know that flower girls first walked down the aisle to spread grain at the feet of the bride to ensure fertility and a happy marriage? Today’s flower girl most often drops rose petals for the bride to tread upon as she heads into marriage. It can be a beautiful picture as long as you keep in mind a few simple rules.

Don’t pick flower girls that are too young. Four to nine years old is the proper age. Any younger and there is little chance they will make it down the aisle, any older and they should be junior bridesmaids.

If they are young, it is always better to have two instead of just one. There is definitely courage in numbers.

Also, when sending young children down the aisle remember to have a family member seated in the first few rows of the church. That way they can walk toward someone they know, a much needed comfort to small children. I suggest allowing them to be seated with this person and not stand up front with the bridal party. They tend to get bored standing through a ceremony and bored children are never a good thing.

Remember to pick something the girls will be comfortable wearing. Too many times I have seen itchy lace be a huge problem on the wedding day. Take them shopping with you to pick the dress. Let them wear the dress around the house before the wedding day so they get used to it.

Last, but not least, a new toy used as a bribe to get them down the aisle is really not a bad thing.

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