Sunday, July 18, 2010

Memorials For Passed Loved Ones at Your Wedding

While weddings are for the most part happy fun filled events, there are those bitter sweet moments such as remembering loved ones that have passed. This is always hard for brides and grooms, trying to find a way to remember someone who has died but yet not bring down the happiness of the event.

In my own wedding, I took a necklace made from my passed Grandmother’s engagement ring and had it wrapped around the stem of my bouquet. That way I felt that she was there with me as I went down the aisle. We have had brides do this with lockets filled with pictures of their passed loved ones.

Another popular choice is the memorial candle. This is a single candle that can be as simple as a glass container with a ribbon around it or as elaborate as a candle surrounded by a beautiful flower arrangement. These are normally placed near the front of the church on a table (we’ve had several placed on the table with the sand ceremony). In the wedding program there is a mention of the candle. Usually it says something along the lines of “the memorial candle is in loving memory of those that have passed on” or “the memorial candle is in memory of the groom’s Grandmother”.

For those that don’t want to use a candle, we have had flowers placed on the chair or pew where the loved one would have sat. We’ve had a groom and his brother each take a flower down the aisle and place them on the seat their mother would have occupied. It was so touching. We have also had pictures set up at the reception with names and a candle in front of each picture to remember pasted loved ones.

The important thing is that no matter what you do, you remember that your loved one is here with you in spirit on your special day.

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