Probably the number one complaint on the show is no full bar, or a cash bar. Personally, I think wine and beer at a wedding is fine. Open full bar is great but not necessary for most people to enjoy your wedding. We’ve had lots of weddings with no bar at all and most of the time; guests still seem to have a great time. The important thing is to know your crowd.
Another complaint, you see a lot, is serving food that is not hot. I agree this is bad, most of the time this is not the fault of the caterer. It happens when a wedding falls behind schedule and food that was prepared to be served at a certain time has to wait. Along with this goes the complaint of not enough food. Running out of food is a giant no-no.
Next biggest complaint would be long gaps of time when nothing happens and the guests get bored, for example the serving of dinner takes too much time. This also happens when toasts go on to long, introductions of the wedding party seem never ending or there are too many specialty dances. Again scheduling can make or break a wedding.
Weather is another big complaint on the show. You may have pictured an outside August wedding as great but your guests sitting in the heat and battling mosquitoes will not remember it as their dream wedding. Same goes for a wedding in October when the weather suddenly, unexpectedly turns cold and guests are freezing. Your guests’ comfort should be one of your most important efforts.
So what do you think? What makes a wedding enjoyable or a bore for you?