Friday, February 23, 2007

Details That Personalize Your Wedding

Let’s talk about some of the hundreds of details that can go into making your wedding your own. No one wants their wedding to be just like their friends’ weddings, or their cousins’ weddings or siblings’ wedding. What can you do to make an event that is different from everyone else’s but yet follows all the traditional long established rules for a wedding. Here in the South we are very big on the etiquette of weddings. If you dare to step away from the “rules” believe me your mother, your grandmother and your Aunt Alice are all going to be shocked by it. So the question is, “how can I make my wedding stand out from the crowd without giving my grandmother a heart attack”?

The answer dear bride is in the details. Let’s start first with the site you decide on for your wedding. Do you want the traditional church, or a more contemporary site, such as a garden, loft area, or museum. Think about what choice is more “you”. The biggest compliment I believe a bride and groom can receive regarding their wedding is that the wedding was so “them”. Next comes the decision on the reception site. Is it the church social hall, a hotel ballroom, a tent, or a country club? Again whatever the decision, make sure it reflects you as a couple. This is what will make your wedding feel right to your guests that know you so well.

Now that you have the two big decisions covered, everything else will work off of these decisions. What type of dress you pick is reflected by the site, maybe a ballgown for a large church wedding followed by a hotel reception, or a simple beautiful sheath for a garden wedding, followed by a tent reception. Make sure your decisions flow together.

Time of day that you pick for your service and reception is also important. Are you a morning couple, who loves the outdoors and being out in nature then go for the early wedding with maybe an outdoor brunch reception. Are you night owls with a late night social life, then choose the loft wedding with a hotel, nightclub atmosphere reception.

We will continue this discussion next with a look at invitations and décor and their role in making your wedding your own.

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